Final Assignment
Welcome to Week 14!
Welcome to the Final Week of the Earth Analytics Bootcamp course! This week, you will practise some of the skills that you learned all semester. You will use API’s to access data and will write functions to process your Python
code in Jupyter Notebook
Learning Objectives
This week you will apply the skills that you’ve learned to a final assignment.
Homework & Readings
Click here to view the GitHub Repo with the assignment template. </i>{: .btn .btn–info .btn–x-large}
Earth Data Science Textbook Readings
Please read the following chapters of the Intermediate to Earth Data Science online textbook to support completing this week’s assignment:
Example Homework Plots
Below are example versions of the plots you will create for your homework.
Downloading from
Extracted output to /root/earth-analytics/data/earthpy-downloads/boulder-san-fran-precip

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