Final Assignment

Welcome to Week 14!

Welcome to the Final Week of the Earth Analytics Bootcamp course! This week, you will practise some of the skills that you learned all semester. You will use API’s to access data and will write functions to process your Python code in Jupyter Notebook.

Learning Objectives

This week you will apply the skills that you’ve learned to a final assignment.

Homework & Readings

Click here to view the GitHub Repo with the assignment template. </i>{: .btn .btn–info .btn–x-large}

Earth Data Science Textbook Readings

Please read the following chapters of the Intermediate to Earth Data Science online textbook to support completing this week’s assignment:

Example Homework Plots

Below are example versions of the plots you will create for your homework.

Downloading from
Extracted output to /root/earth-analytics/data/earthpy-downloads/boulder-san-fran-precip
Two line plots. Top plot shows the monthly maximum of total precipitation for 1989-2018 in Boulder and San Francisco. The bottom plot shows the annual maximum of monthly total precipitation for 1989-2018 in Boulder and San Francisco.
Two line plots. Top plot shows the monthly maximum of total precipitation for 1989-2018 in Boulder and San Francisco. The bottom plot shows the annual maximum of monthly total precipitation for 1989-2018 in Boulder and San Francisco.
Plots of lidar min and max vs insitu min and max with a 1:1 line a regression fit for the NEON SJER field site.
Plots of lidar min and max vs insitu min and max with a 1:1 line a regression fit for the NEON SJER field site.