Introduction to Spatial Vector Data in Open Source Python

Welcome to Week 13!

Welcome to Week 13 of the Earth Analytics Bootcamp course! This week, you will write Python code in Jupyter Notebook to work with vector data in using open source Python software.

Learning Objectives

After completing the lessons for Week 13, you will be able to:

  • Open and plot vector data using geopandas in Python
  • Crop and manipulate vector data using geopandas

Homework & Readings

Click here to view the GitHub Repo with the assignment template.</i> {: .btn .btn–info .btn–x-large}

Earth Data Science Textbook Readings

Please read the following chapters of the Intermediate to Earth Data Science online textbook to support completing this week’s assignment:

Example Homework Plots

Below are example versions of the plots you will create for your homework.

Downloading from
Extracted output to /root/earth-analytics/data/spatial-vector-lidar/.

Challenge 1a: Open And Clip Your Vector Data

Challenge 2: Figure 2 - Roads in Del Norte, Modoc & Siskiyou Counties

Plots of lidar min and max vs insitu min and max with a 1:1 line a regression fit for the NEON SJER field site.
Plots of lidar min and max vs insitu min and max with a 1:1 line a regression fit for the NEON SJER field site.
Downloading from
Extracted output to /root/earth-analytics/data/earthpy-downloads/ne_10m_admin_0_countries
/opt/conda/envs/EDS/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/ UserWarning: merging between different levels can give an unintended result (1 levels on the left,2 on the right)
  warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)