Lesson 1. Plot Spatial Raster Data in Python.
Customize Plots of Raster Data - Scientists guide to plotting data in python textbook course module
Welcome to the first lesson in the Customize Plots of Raster Data module. When plotting rasters, you often want to overlay two rasters, add a legend, or make the raster interactive. Learn how overlay rasters to create visualizations and how to make interactive plots.Chapter Four - Customize Raster Plots
In this chapter, you will learn how to create and customize raster plots in Python using earthpy, matplotlib, and folium.
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Overlay two rasters in Python to create a plot.
- Create interactive map in Jupyter Notebook using the folium package for Python.
- Overlay a raster on an interactive map created with folium.
- Customize a raster map in Python using matplotlib.
What You Need
Be sure you have completed the lesson on Setting Up the Earth Analytics Python Conda Environment..
You need Python and Jupyer Notebook to complete this chapter. You should also have an earth-analytics
directory setup on your computer with a data
subdirectory within it.
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