Lesson 3. Subset Time Series By Dates Python Using Pandas
Learning Objectives
- Subset time series data using different options for time frames, including by year, month, and with a specified begin and end date.
Temporally Subset Data Using Pandas Dataframes
Sometimes a dataset contains a much larger timeframe than you need for your analysis or plot, and it can helpful to select, or subset, the data to the needed timeframe.
There are many ways to subset the data temporally in Python; one easy way to do this is to use pandas.
Pandas natively understands time operations if:
- you tell it what column contains your time stamps (using the parameter
) and - you set the date column to be the index of the dataframe (using the parameter
On the previous page of this chapter, you already learned how to complete these steps during the read_csv()
import into the pandas dataframe. On this page, you will learn how to use the datetime
index to subset data from a pandas dataframe.
Import Packages and Get Data
You will use a slightly modified version of precipitation data (inches) downloaded from the National Centers for Environmental Information (formerly National Climate Data Center) Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) station 050843 in Boulder, CO. The data were collected from January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2013.
Your instructor has modified these data as follows:
- aggregated the data to represent daily sum values.
- added some no data values to allow you to practice handling missing data.
- added new columns to this data that would not usually be there if you downloaded it directly:
- Year
- Julian day (i.e. the calendar day number)
To begin, import the necessary packages to work with pandas dataframe and download data.
You will continue to work with modules from pandas and matplotlib to plot dates more efficiently and with seaborn to make more attractive plots.
# Import necessary packages
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import earthpy as et
# Handle date time conversions between pandas and matplotlib
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters
# Use white grid plot background from seaborn
sns.set(font_scale=1.5, style="whitegrid")
Download Curated Dataset From EarthPy
You will also download data from earthpy by specifiying a data key for the dataset called colorado-flood
. This dataset has been curated by the earthpy team to include the precipitation data collected for 2003-2013 for Boulder, CO.
# Download the data
data = et.data.get_data('colorado-flood')
Note that when you download data using a data key in earthpy, the data are automatically downloaded to a new directory in the data
directory under earth-analytics
. The name of the directory will be the same as the name of the dataset, for example, colorado-flood
For this dataset, there is a precipitation
subdirectory within colorado-flood
for the precipitation data.
# Set working directory
os.chdir(os.path.join(et.io.HOME, 'earth-analytics'))
# Define relative path to file with daily precip total
file_path = os.path.join("data", "colorado-flood",
Now that you have downloaded the dataset, you can import the file for the measurement station for Boulder, CO, and specify the:
- no data values using the parameter
- date column using the parameter
- datetime index using the parameter
# Import data using datetime and no data value
boulder_precip_2003_2013 = pd.read_csv(file_path,
index_col= ['DATE'],
# View first few rows
DATE | ||||||||
2003-01-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 1 |
2003-01-05 | NaN | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 5 |
2003-02-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 32 |
2003-02-02 | NaN | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 33 |
2003-02-03 | 0.4 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 34 |
About the Precipitation Data
Viewing the structure of these data, you can see that different types of data are included in this file.
- STATION and STATION_NAME: Identification of the COOP station.
- ELEVATION, LATITUDE and LONGITUDE: The spatial location of the station.
- DAILY_PRECIP: The total precipitation in inches. The metadata for this dataset notes that the value
indicates missing data. Also important, days with no precipitation are not included in the data. - YEAR: the year the data were collected
- JULIAN: the JULIAN DAY the data were collected.
is the date when the data were collected in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Notice that DATE
is now the index value because you used the parse_date
and index_col
parameters when you imported the CSV file into a pandas dataframe.
Additional information about the data, known as metadata, is available in the PRECIP_HLY_documentation.pdf.
The metadata tell us that the no data value for these data is 999.99. IMPORTANT: your instructor has modified these data a bit for ease of teaching and learning. Specifically, data have been aggregated to represent daily sum values and some no data values have been added.
Data Tip You can download the original complete data subset with additional documentation here.
Even after reading documentation, it is always a good idea to explore data before working with them such as:
- checking out the data types
- calculating the summary statistics to get a sense of the data values (and make sure that “no data” values have been identified)
- checking out the values in the
# View dataframe info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 792 entries, 2003-01-01 to 2013-12-31
Data columns (total 8 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 DAILY_PRECIP 788 non-null float64
1 STATION 792 non-null object
2 STATION_NAME 792 non-null object
3 ELEVATION 792 non-null float64
4 LATITUDE 792 non-null float64
5 LONGITUDE 792 non-null float64
6 YEAR 792 non-null int64
7 JULIAN 792 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 55.7+ KB
# View summary statistics
count | 788.000000 | 792.0 | 792.000000 | 792.000000 | 792.000000 | 792.000000 |
mean | 0.247843 | 1650.5 | 40.033850 | -105.281106 | 2007.967172 | 175.541667 |
std | 0.462558 | 0.0 | 0.000045 | 0.000005 | 3.149287 | 98.536373 |
min | 0.000000 | 1650.5 | 40.033800 | -105.281110 | 2003.000000 | 1.000000 |
25% | 0.100000 | 1650.5 | 40.033800 | -105.281110 | 2005.000000 | 96.000000 |
50% | 0.100000 | 1650.5 | 40.033890 | -105.281110 | 2008.000000 | 167.000000 |
75% | 0.300000 | 1650.5 | 40.033890 | -105.281100 | 2011.000000 | 255.250000 |
max | 9.800000 | 1650.5 | 40.033890 | -105.281100 | 2013.000000 | 365.000000 |
# View index values of dataframe
DatetimeIndex(['2003-01-01', '2003-01-05', '2003-02-01', '2003-02-02',
'2003-02-03', '2003-02-05', '2003-02-06', '2003-02-07',
'2003-02-10', '2003-02-18',
'2013-11-01', '2013-11-09', '2013-11-21', '2013-11-27',
'2013-12-01', '2013-12-04', '2013-12-22', '2013-12-23',
'2013-12-29', '2013-12-31'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='DATE', length=792, freq=None)
Subset Pandas Dataframe By Year
Because you have a dataframe set up with an index, you can start to easily subset your data using the syntax:
Note that the datetime
index value is accessed using quotation marks ""
similar to how you query for text strings.
Using this syntax, you can select all of the data for the year 2013 by specifying the value that you want to select from the datetime
# Select 2013 data - view first few records
DATE | ||||||||
2013-01-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 1 |
2013-01-28 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 28 |
2013-01-29 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 29 |
2013-02-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 32 |
2013-02-14 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 45 |
# Select 2013 data - view last few records
DATE | ||||||||
2013-12-04 | 0.4 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 338 |
2013-12-22 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 356 |
2013-12-23 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 357 |
2013-12-29 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 363 |
2013-12-31 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 365 |
Note that in the previous example, you are querying the datetime
index directly, not querying the values from the Year
Subset Pandas Dataframe By Month
Using a datetime
index with pandas makes it really easy to continue to select data using additional attributes of the index such as month
This attribute of the datetime
index can be accessed as:
df.index.month == value
where the month values are numeric values ranging from 1 to 12, representing January through December.
With this attribute, you can now employ the pandas syntax to filter values in a pandas dataframe using the syntax:
df[df.index.month == value]
# Select all December data - view first few rows
boulder_precip_2003_2013[boulder_precip_2003_2013.index.month == 12].head()
DATE | ||||||||
2003-12-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 335 |
2004-12-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2004 | 336 |
2004-12-22 | 0.2 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2004 | 357 |
2004-12-24 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2004 | 359 |
2005-12-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2005 | 335 |
# Select all December data - view last few rows
boulder_precip_2003_2013[boulder_precip_2003_2013.index.month == 12].tail()
DATE | ||||||||
2013-12-04 | 0.4 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 338 |
2013-12-22 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 356 |
2013-12-23 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 357 |
2013-12-29 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 363 |
2013-12-31 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.0338 | -105.2811 | 2013 | 365 |
Notice that head()
displays December records in 2003, while tail()
displays December records in 2013.
Subset Pandas Dataframe By Day of Month
Similarly, you can the attribute day
of the index to select all records for a specific day of the month as follows:
df.index.month == value
where the month values are numeric values ranging from 1 to 31, representing possible days of the month.
# Select data for 1st of month - view first rows
boulder_precip_2003_2013[boulder_precip_2003_2013.index.day == 1]
DATE | ||||||||
2003-01-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 1 |
2003-02-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 32 |
2003-03-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 60 |
2003-04-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 91 |
2003-05-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2003 | 121 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2013-08-01 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03380 | -105.28110 | 2013 | 213 |
2013-09-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03380 | -105.28110 | 2013 | 244 |
2013-10-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03380 | -105.28110 | 2013 | 274 |
2013-11-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03380 | -105.28110 | 2013 | 305 |
2013-12-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03380 | -105.28110 | 2013 | 335 |
132 rows × 8 columns
Subset Pandas Dataframe Using Range of Dates
You can also subset the data using a specific date range using the syntax:
df["begin_index_date" : "end_index_date]
For example, you can subset the data to a desired time period such as May 1, 2005 - August 31 2005, and then save it to a new dataframe.
# Subset data to May-Aug 2005
precip_may_aug_2005 = boulder_precip_2003_2013['2005-05-01':'2005-08-31']
DATE | ||||||||
2005-05-01 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2005 | 121 |
2005-05-11 | 1.2 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2005 | 131 |
2005-05-30 | 0.5 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2005 | 150 |
2005-05-31 | 0.1 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2005 | 151 |
2005-06-01 | 0.0 | COOP:050843 | BOULDER 2 CO US | 1650.5 | 40.03389 | -105.28111 | 2005 | 152 |
Check Minimum and Maximum Values of Index
Rather than just checking the results of head()
and tail()
, you can actually query the min
and max
values of the index as follows:
# Check min value of index
# Check max value of index
2005-05-01 00:00:00
2005-08-23 00:00:00
Plot Temporal Subsets From Pandas Dataframe
Once you have subsetted the data and saved it, you can plot the data from the new dataframe to focus in on the desired time period.
Once again, you will use .index.values
to access the datetime
index values for the plot.
# Create figure and plot space
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Add x-axis and y-axis
# Set title and labels for axes
ylabel="Precipitation (inches)",
title="Daily Total Precipitation\nMay - Aug 2005 for Boulder Creek")
# Rotate tick marks on x-axis
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45)

Think of New Applications and Uses of Subsetting
Given what you have learned about using df.index.month
and df.index.day
to select data by the month or day of the month value:
- What would you replace
with, in order to select data by year or even a specific week of the year?
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