Lesson 1. Setup Your Earth Analytics Python, Git, Bash Environment On Your Computer Setup earth analytics environment Workshop
Setup the Earth Analytics Python Environment On Your Computer - course module
Welcome to the first lesson in the Setup the Earth Analytics Python Environment On Your Computer module. There are several core tools that are required to work with data. These include Shell/Bash, Git/Github and Python. Learn how to set all of these tools up on your computer so you can work with different types of data using open science workflows.Get Bash, Git, and Conda Setup On Your Computer
The lessons in this section will help you get your computer setup with core earth analytics tools that you will use in many of the lessons on this website.
comes with Mac and Linux but is not natively installed on Windows.Bash
is a powerful command line interface that allows you to efficiently manipulate files and directories. You will also use it to access and interact withGit
(version control).Git
is a tool that you use to keep track of changes in your documents. This makes your workflow more reproducible. It also allows you to undo changes that you want to undo!- Conda - Conda is a package and environment management tool that allows you to install
packages on your computer as well as create and manage multiplePython
environments, each containing different packages. To get started with conda andPython
, you will install the MinicondaPython
distribution, which provides both the conda package manager and a basicPython
environment. You will then install theearth-analytics-python
conda environment which provides a tested and easy-to-use conda environment with key packages needed to work with scientific data, including spatial data and more!
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