Calculating the area of polygons in Google Earth Engine
This tutorial demonstrates polygon creation, perimeter and area calculations, and visualization using the JavaScript interface to Google Earth Engine.
Course lessons are developed as a part of a course curriculum. They teach specific learning objectives associated with data and scientific programming. Matt Oakley has contributed to the following lessons:
This tutorial demonstrates polygon creation, perimeter and area calculations, and visualization using the JavaScript interface to Google Earth Engine.
This tutorial outlines the process of installing the Google Earth Engine Python API client.
This tutorial introduces the code editor in Google Earth Engine and shows how to use LandSat imagery using the JavaScript API.
This tutorial shows how to make interactive maps in Python with folium.
This tutorial shows how to compute and plot contour lines for elevation from a raster DEM (digital elevation model).
This tutorial shows how to compute the slope and aspect from a digital elevation model in Python.
This tutorial shows how to compute raster statistics like the mean and variance around buffered spatial points in Python.
This tutorial shows how to use rpy2 in a Jupyter notebook to run both R and Python.
This tutorial demonstrates how to access SMAP data, and how to generate raster output from this data.