Spatial Data in R
Welcome to Week 4!
Welcome to week 4 of Earth Analytics! This week, you will dive deeper into working with spatial data in R. You will learn how to handle data in different coordinate reference systems, how to create custom maps and legends and how to extract data from a raster file. You are on your way towards integrating many different types of data into your analysis which involves knowing how to deal with things like coordinate reference systems and varying data structures.
What You Need
You will need a computer with internet access to complete this lesson and the data for week 4 of the course. Note that the data download below is large (500MB) however it contains data that you will use for the next 2 weeks!
Time | Topic | Speaker | ||
9:30 AM | Questions / R | Leah | ||
9:45 - 10:15 | Coordinate reference systems & spatial metadata 101 | |||
10:25 - 12:20 | R coding session - spatial data in R | Leah |
1. Complete the Assignment Below
Homework (5 points): Due Monday Oct 2 @ 8AM
Produce a Report
Create a new R markdown
document. Name it: lastName-firstInitial-week4.Rmd Within your .Rmd
document, include the plots listed below.
When you are done with your report, use knitr
to convert it to .html
format (note: if you did not get knitr
working it is ok if you create an html document and export it to pdf as demonstrated in class). You will submit both the .Rmd
file and the .html
file. Be sure to name your files as instructed above!
In your report, include the plots below. The important part of this week is that you document each step of your workflow using comments. And that you break up the sections of your analysis into SEPARATE code chunks.
Answer the Questions Below in Your Report
Write 1 paragraph addressing the following:
- In your own words, define what a Coordinate Reference System (
) is. - What are the key components that make up a
? - If you are working with two datasets that are stored using difference
s, and want to process or plot them, what do you need to do to ensure that they line up on a map and can be processed together? - In
, how do you check to see if two datasets are in the sameCRS
Plot 1 - Roads Map and Legend
Create a map of California roads:
- Import the
layer located in yourweek_04
data download. - Create a map that shows the madera roads layer, sjer plot locations and the sjer_aoi boundary (sjer_crop.shp).
- Plot the roads so different road types are represented using unique symbology.
- Map the plot locations by the attribute plot type using unique symbology for each “type”.
- Add a title to your plot.
- Adjust your plot legend.
IMPORTANT: be sure that all of the data are within the same EXTENT
and crs
of the sjer_aoi
layer. This means that you may have to crop and reproject your data prior to plotting it!
Be sure that your plot legend is not covering your data. Use the homework lesson on base plot legends to help build the legend. Or use ggplot to create your plot.
BONUS 1 (.5 points): Use colorBrewer to Create a Color Ramp
In the lessons, I show you how to color your map by manually selecting colors. Use the RColorBrewer
package to create a set of colors to use on your plot.
BONUS 2 (.5 points): Use mapView or leaflet to create an interactive map with popups.
This tutorial may help you get started.
Submit to D2L
Submit your report in both .Rmd
and .html
format to the D2l week 4 dropbox by 8am. NOTE: it is OK if you’d like to submit an pdf
document to D2l
but pdf’s won’t support interactive maps!
.html Report Structure & Code: 20%
Full Credit | No Credit | |
.html and RMD submitted | ||
Code is written using “clean” code practices following the Hadley Wickham style guide | ||
YAML contains a title, author and date | ||
Rmd code chunks contains code and runs | ||
All required R packages are listed at the top of the document in a code chunk. |
Knitr pdf Output: 10%
Full Credit | No Credit |
Code chunk arguments are used to hide warnings | |
Code chunk arguments are used to hide code and just show output | |
.html report emphasizes the write up and the code outputs rather than showing each step of the code |
PLOT: Map of Madera County with Roads 40%
Full Credit | No Credit | |
Roads, plot locations & AOI boundary are included on the map | ||
Road lines are symbolized by type | ||
Plot location points are symbolized by type | ||
Plots has a title that clearly defines plot contents | ||
Plots have a 2-3 sentence caption that clearly describes plot contents | ||
Plot legend is next to the map (on the side or below) and doesn’t overlay the plot contents | ||
Plot legend is formatted with the correctly symbology that matches the map and is easy to read |
Report Questions: 30%
Full Credit | No Credit |
In your own words, define what a Coordinate Reference System (CRS ) is | |
What are the key components that make up a CRS ? | |
If you are working with two datasets that are stored using difference CRSs , and want to process or plot them, what do you need to do to ensure that they line up on a map and can be processed together? | |
In R , how do you check to see if two datasets are in the same CRS ? |
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